Burke Insurances have a specialist website www.droneinsurance.ie to insurance drones being used for commercial use.
Today we are at the Drone & Tech Expo, in the RDS. If you are around drop by our stand to have a chat. Or you can call our office on 091-563518 or you can email us at cover@burkeins.ie
Today (08/03/2017) we have a competition on our Facebook page, head over to enter
Some of our key Drone Insurance offerings are as follows:
Replace or repair, accidental loss or damage to the UAV.
Includes disappearances if the UAV is unreported for 60 days.
Includes reasonable emergency expenses incurred for the immediate safety of UAV up to 10% of amount insured.
You can include payload.
Can provide cover during the R&D phase.
Includes Ground Station if required.
Transit extension if required.
Third Party Liability from €1 million to €20 million.
Full Aviation wording.
What are clients are doing with their drones:
Site Inspections – Close examination of high risk areas, crane/ tower/ scaffolding inspections.
Site Planning – Overviews can be obtained quickly to inform planning sessions.
360’ Panoramas – A more immersive experience to enhance appreciation of potential hazards and site orientation.
Emergency Services – Coastal rescue and recovery assistance.
Inspection of powerlines.
Future uses:
Live feeds – these can be beamed directly to a control room for inspection requirements (e.g. crane clearance, logistics, personnel movement) allowing for real-time decision making.
Volumetric measurements of items on site e.g. excavated materials, supporting logistical planning for removal.
Thermal imaging scanning – investigating opportunities to monitor health of concrete works safely, any hot spots in electrical sub-stations, and many more.
Waypoint flying allowing the UAV to fly the same path to create time lapse opportunities and comparative analysis.
Reasons to insure with us:
Policies are written under Irish law.
What this means for you?
In the event of policy dispute the dispute is heard in an Irish court.
(Beware of policies that don’t have an Irish law clause!)
We are Irish domiciled and Regulated Brokers.
What this means for you?
You have local service. So for any problems you deal in Ireland even if you have a complaint we are only down the road and not abroad!