Drone Insurance – How to get licensed
Drone Insurance – How to get licensed to operate a UAV
We came across this handy information this morning on the Unmanned Aircraft Association of Ireland Website. Two qualifications are required to operate in Irish Airspace, which reflect general aviation.They are a pilot qualification, and to complete commercial work an individual must also work under a qualified operator.
The operator ensures safety standards, completion of training and monitoring of operations. The operator may not be a pilot themselves but the individual who will fly the RPAS must have a pilot qualification. The operator holds an aerial work permission issued by the Irish Aviation Authority which allows for commercial work to be completed.
Pilot qualification check list:
Pilot must be in good health
Minimum age 18 years old
English language proficient
14hrs ground-school training completed with a REGISTERED TRAINING FACILITY (RTF)
Successful completion of ground-school exam (completed with a RTF)
Successful completion of flight test (completed with a RTF,)
All pilots must become or operate under a certified RPAS operator
7hrs flight instruction (completed with a RTF)*
12hrs logged flight time may include 2hrs in a Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD)*
20 Take-offs and landings
*not yet requirements but will be included in upcoming regulation changes
Operator qualification Check List (aerial work permission holder):
Completion of an operator’s course
Submit and maintain an operators manual
Have in place a public liability insurance policy covering the operation
Completion of an audit by the IAA before approval to operate
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