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You must adhere to the conditions of your policy and the authorities
Just thought we would share with you some scenarios where insurance cover can be turned down by insurers when a drone owner submits a claim. We have been involved in lots of successful claims where client has been happy with the claims handling by insurer and their payment.
However there is always a sad story of someone not getting paid and in lots of cases its simply down to them not adhering to the ‘rules’. The problem is that when a claim happens it’s too late then to think of how you were abiding by them!
So apart from the obvious like – Insurers not being advised of Equipment that you are using or that you did not have a permission to fly a drone in an area where the accident happened.
You can have those scenarios where you might not have complied with conditions within the policy or that you are breaking the rules of local Aviation authority when flying the drones.
Some examples where an insurer might refuse cover in an Irish context might be:
- Flying within a prohibited area, a restricted area, or controlled airspace.
- Flying in Air Traffic Services airspace, other than controlled airspace, within 5km of an aerodrome during periods of aircraft operations, unless the aerodrome operator has given permission.
- Flying at a distance of less than 30 metres from a person, vessel, vehicle or structure not under the direct control of the operator.
- Flying at a distance of less than 120 metres from an assembly of 12 or more persons not under the direct control of the operator.
- Flying beyond direct unaided visual line of sight and not farther than 300 metres from the point of operation.
- Flying at a height of more than 120 metres above the ground or water.
- Flying outside the limits on your specific operating permission (SOP) provided by IAA.
- Not updating SOP if change of equipment.
The last one is one that can catch you out as when you register your drone initially for permissions , the permissions will be granted on the equipment you have registered . It’s important that you update your SOPs when you change your equipment apart from advising insurers of the change.
So the moral of the story is be aware of your obligations and ensure you comply and that is the best way to ensuring successful outcome in the unlikely event you are unlucky enough to have a claim.
We are happy to discuss any of your drone insurance queries – Just call the team in Galway 091-563518 and we will be glad to help.
Visit: www.droneinsurance.ie
Ph : 00-353-91-563518